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You can't remake the world
Without remaking yourself.
Each new era begins within.
It is an inward event,
With unsuspected possibilities
For inner liberation.

Turn on Your Light by Ben Okri

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October 2023-crop2

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Home Page - Events


Chloë has made a diverse range of uplifting music, inspired by wisdom cultures and mystical traditions. The music is available to download, and in some cases, buy on CD. You can also now enjoy a new opportunity here to access and meditate with Chloe’s devotional sound online. Simply access the Meditation Room, and take some time out of your day, to relax and restore for 15 minutes or more. Chloë’s albums include, DeviSura (Grammy nominated), Fierce Wisdom, Mahamaya, Contemporary Devotion, Laughing Heart and her retrospective album Thousand Ways of Light. Also available is the love poetry album, Chloe co-produced with Rumi poet, Coleman Barks, There is Some Kiss We Want.


VOCE DIALOGUES is a pioneering new Podcast Series - with vocal artists, visionaries, innovative educators, mystics and cultural activists - exploring the often unique, subtle, unexpected, skillful, imaginal, and courageous role required in the evolution of compassionate communication and caring relationships. Given the turmoil that humanity faces – individually and collectively – the VOCE Dialogues offers a transformative online sanctuary for deep listening and courageous conversations, providing awareness skills and practices - spoken, sung, or silent - for compassionate communication

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Home Page - VOCE Dialogues

Home Page - Online Classes

Home Page - Online Classes


These online classes offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power. They are available for everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound. 


18-20 October 2024, Your Sovereign Voice: Weekend Retreat. Gloucestershire, UK [more info]

2 November 2024, Singing Field Workshop, Dublin, Ireland [more info]

16 November 2024, Free Your True Voice Workshop. Nailsworth, UK [more info]

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