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Compassionate Conversations 

The VOCE Dialogues - Voices of Conscious Emergence
An Innovative Podcast Series
Given the turmoil that humanity faces – individually and collectively – I have invited teachers and pioneers in the fields of sound, spirituality and the new sciences, to participate with me in sharing user friendly tools and skills that inspire courageous conversations and unconditional presence. This podcast highlights the imperative call for compassion to transform all life on the planet at this unprecedented time.

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Season 2

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S2 Ep.1 | The Brothers Koren, transformational voice leaders
Chloë in conversation with The Brothers Koren, discussing compassion, voice, expression, brotherhood and harmony. The Brothers Koren are transformational voice leaders, music mentors and artists. Having performed their original music to over 1 Million people, touring with the likes of P!NK, Coldplay and Rod Stewart as The Kin, the brothers now focus on fostering first-time & reclaiming voices of all walks of life, especially those who thought they couldn’t.

S2 Ep.2 | Colin Goedecke, poet & creator of The Poetisphere
Chloë in conversation with Colin Goedecke, discussing compassion, poetry, education, & relationship. Illuminator Colin Goedecke guides The Poetisphere, an oasis of regenesis for seekers of greater aliveness and possibility. He’s also the longtime host & voice of the weekly Floating Poetry Broadcast series and also serves as Poet Laureate of the Truce Foundation. To join The Poetisphere you can use the discount code SOULSINGER for the annual membership and reduce the subscription from $190 t0 $136.

S2 Ep.3 | Michael Lindfield, consultant & mentor
Chloë in conversation with Michael Lindfield, discussing compassion, being a Gaian, Findhorn, Friendly Farming, and the Fire of Love. Michael is a highly regarded consultant & mentor with over 50 years of international experience supporting individuals & organizations unleash the creativity of the human spirit to meet the urgent need of our times and the compelling call of a more just and joyful future that works for all. Author of ‘The Dance of Change: an Eco-Spiritual Approach to Transformation’ (Penguin Books)

S2 Ep.4 | Annaliese Reid, energy worker, writer & editor
Chloë in conversation with Annaliese Reid, discussing compassion, healing her “incurable” illness, DNA Reprogramming, & health. Annaliese has studied and taught personal growth, energetic healing, & consciousness techniques for over 20 years. She healed herself of a life-threatening “incurable illness,” using the DNA research pioneered by biophysicist Dr. Glen Rein over 20 years’ ago. She appeared in the major documentary series, Superpower, in 2021 in which she describes her experiences.

S2 Ep.5 | Jim Garrison, author & founder of Ubiquity University
Chloë in conversation with Jim Garrison, discussing compassion, conflict, primordial mind, extra terrestrial consciousness and the UFO phenomenon. Jim has spent his entire professional life in executive leadership, including as founder and president of both the Gorbachev Foundation/USA from 1992 – 1995 and State of the World Forum from 1995 – 2004 with Mikhail Gorbachev serving as convening chairman. He has written seven books, beginning with The Plutonium Culture in 1979 to his current book in writing on Climate Change and the Primordial Mind.

S2 Ep.6 | Jeralyn Glass, singer, musician, & sound healer
Chloë in conversation with Jeralyn Glass, discussing compassion, voice, singing bowls, vibration, and music as medicine. Jeralyn offers a unique alchemical blend of music, meditation, and high vibrational sound. Merging quantum science, bioenergetics, and crystalline sound vibration, Jeralyn helps people facilitate healing and transformation with the power of music and sacred frequencies that nourish our bodies, connect us with our hearts, and awaken our consciousness.

S2 Ep.7 | Joshua Leeds, music producer, sound researcher & educator
Chloë in conversation with Joshua Leeds, discussing compassion, conscious emergence, sound, psychoacoustics, Alfred Tomatis, sound and the nervous system. Joshua specializes in psychoacoustics - the study of the effects of music and sound on the human nervous system, and bioacoustics - specifically, how human sound affects animals. His books include The Power of Sound, Through a Dog’s Ear, and Sonic Alchemy. His latest book, Soundwork on a Hot Rock will be published in 2025.

S2 Ep.8 | Janice Dolley, author, educator & project initiator
Chloë in conversation with Janice Dolley, discussing divinity, Christianity, consciousness, water, death, and so much more. Janice has been building bridges from the dominant paradigm of materialism and separation towards an emerging New Story of the deep inter-connectedness of all life and the primacy of love since the early 1970s. Author of several books including “Awakening to a New Reality: Conscious Conversations across the Horizon of Death.“

Season 1

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Ep.1 | Mark Nepo, bestselling author, philosopher & poet
Chloë in conversation with Mark Nepo, discussing how song or poetry can be experienced as a portal into communicating compassionately or consciously; and how it all depends on whether your focus is on ‘impressing’ others, or ‘expressing’ your true self. Mark Nepo moved and inspired readers and seekers all over the world with his #1 New York Times bestseller The Book of Awakening.  Beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller, Mark has been called "one of the finest spiritual guides of our time,"

Ep.2 | Mark Matousek, bestselling author, teacher & speaker
Chloë in dialogue with bestselling author Mark Matousek, discussing compassionate action, writing as a tool for transformation, the witnessing mind, silence and much more. Mark Matousek is a bestselling author, teacher, and speaker whose work focuses on personal awakening and creative excellence through transformational writing and self-inquiry.

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Ep.3 | Jill Purce, voice teacher, Family Constellations therapist & author

Chloë in conversation with voice teacher Jill Purce, discussing compassion, sonorous community and the power of the voice. Jill Purce is recognized internationally as the pioneer of both the sound & the ancestral healing movements. In the 1970’s she introduced the teaching of overtone chanting throughout the world & the spiritual potential of the voice for healing & meditation.

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Ep.4 | Polly Steele, writer & director

Chloë in conversation with writer and director Polly Steele, discussing deep listening, compassionate storytelling, self-enquiry and inherited trauma. Polly Steele is an award winning UK based, independent, film-maker renowned for her ability to tell the most compelling and sensitive stories.

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Ep.5 | Andrew Harvey, author, scholar, mystic & Founder Director of the Institute of Sacred Activism

Chloë in conversation with author, scholar and mystic Andrew Harvey, discussing the poet Kabir, compassion, the divine child, the current climate crisis and sacred activism. Andrew Harvey is an author, religious scholar and teacher of mystic traditions, known primarily for his popular nonfiction books on spiritual or mystical themes. He is the author of over 30 books, including the latest Turn Me To Gold.

Ep.6 | Per Bristow, singing teacher, voice & performance coach

Chloë in conversation with Per Bristow, discussing awareness, expression, vulnerability, permission, childhood experiences and many other topics. Per is the creator of The Bristow Voice Method. For more than 15 years this unique method has empowered tens of thousands of singers and speakers from over 132 nations to heal, build and free their voices.

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Ep.7 | Anne Baring, author & Jungian analyst

Chloë in conversation with Anne Baring, discussing awakening compassion, healing the wounded heart of humanity, the voice and sound. Anne is a Jungian analyst and the author and co-author of seven books. Her work is devoted to the recognition that we live in an ensouled world and to the restoration of the lost sense of communion between us and the invisible dimension of the Cosmos that is the source or ground of all that we call ‘life’.

Ep.8 | Malcolm Stern, author, psychotherapist & Co-Founder of Alternatives

Chloë in conversation with author and psychotherapist Malcolm Stern, discussing eldership, fierce initiation, grief, pilgrimage, human evolution and more. Malcolm has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He is Co-Director and Co-founder of Alternatives at St James’ Church in London and runs groups internationally.

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Ep.9 | Alison Goldwyn, Founder of Syncronistory

Chloë in conversation with Founder of Synchronistory, Alison Goldwyn, discussing resonance, self-enquiry, the emotional climate crisis, duality and much more. Synchronistory represents Alison’s signature venture on the global media frontier. She is currently writing a book about her “odd-yssey” with all the pathos and humor of the global know-mad she’s become.

Ep.10 | Matt Hart, innovator, educator, author & speaker

Chloë in conversation with innovator, educator, author & speaker, Matt Hart, discussing eldership, innovation, creativity, BIFKiDS, leadership, ego and much more. Matt is best known for pioneering a new approach for Brand and Fan Innovation - understanding what makes people fans of the world’s leading brand, including BBC, Cisco and Spotify, to American Idol, Warner Music and Unicef. His works now use the Sustainable Development Goals to help make fans of world changing brands.

Ep.11 | Ann Mortifee, singer, composer, author, storyteller & speaker

Chloë in conversation with singer, composer, author, storyteller & speaker, Ann Mortifee, discussing compassion, passion, death, grief, presence, singing, voice and much more. Ann is a luminous, multi-faceted performing artist. A singer with a remarkable four-octave range, Ann is a Member of the Order of Canada, the highest honour bestowed on civilians by the Government of Canada.

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Ep.12 | Deb Shapiro, author & teacher

Chloë in conversation with author & teacher, Deb Shapiro, discussing kindness, meditation, emptiness, transmission, service, humour, and much more. Deb is the author of Your Body Speaks Your Mind, and, with her husband Ed, the author of 20 books on mindfulness and meditation, including their latest, The Unexpected Power of Mindfulness & Meditation.

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Ep.13 | Ed Shapiro, author & teacher

Chloë in conversation with author & teacher, Ed Shapiro, discussing meditation, mindfulness, stress, breathing, laughter and much more. Ed and his wife Deb are the bestselling authors of 20 books on mindfulness, meditation, and the bodymind relationship, including The Art of Mindful Relaxation, Your Body Speaks Your Mind, and their latest, The Unexpected Power of Mindfulness & Meditation.

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Ep.14 | Phil Borges, social documentary photographer and filmmaker

Chloë in conversation with Phil Borges, discussing curiosity, connection and disconnection, consciousness, psychosis, deep listening and much more. For over 25 years Phil Borges has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures. Phil’s recent project, Crazywise, explores cultural differences with respect to consciousness, mental illness and the relevance of Shamanic traditional practices and beliefs to those of us living in the modern world.

Ep.15 | Barbara Borden, drummer, performer, composer & teacher

Chloë in conversation with Barbara Borden, discussing compassion, drumming, vibration, pulse, improvisation and much more. Barbara is dedicated to keeping the heartbeat of joy, compassion, and creativity alive. She continues to be deeply moved by the powerful nature of drumming with its universal language that unifies, inspires, soothes and enlivens individuals and diverse groups of people around the globe.

Ep.16 | Christine Stevens, author, speaker & music therapist

Chloë in conversation with Christine Stevens, discussing compassion, drumming, oneness, peace building, transformation and much more. Christine holds masters degrees in both social work and music therapy. She is author of Music Medicine, The Healing Drum Kit and The Art and Heart of Drum Circles. Christine has worked with many Fortune 500 companies, survivors of Katrina, students at Ground Zero and most recently, led the first drum circle training in a war-zone in northern Iraq.

Ep.17 | Tania de Jong, international soprano, speaker & social entrepreneur

Chloë in conversation with Tania de Jong, discussing compassion, inclusion, mental health, silenced voices, separation and oneness, isolation and solitude. Tania de Jong is a trail-blazing Australian soprano, global speaker, award-winning social entrepreneur, creative innovation catalyst and spiritual journey woman. Tania is one of Australia’s most successful female entrepreneurs and has released eleven Albums and her TED Talk How Singing Together Changes The Brain sparked international interest.

Ep.18 | Stewart Pearce, Master of Voice, Voice Alchemist & Angelic Emissary

Chloë in conversation Stewart Pearce, discussing compassion, voice, embodiment, Diana, Princess of Wales, the Sacred Feminine and much more. Stewart Pearce is a revered Global Voice Coach who has worked with change-makers and celebrities for forty years. Stewart’s latest publication is Diana: The Voice of Change – which expresses entirely new revelations about Diana, Princess of Wales, with whom he worked extensively. /

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Ep.19 | Gary Malkin, media composer, public speaker, music & health innovator

Chloë in conversation with Gary Malkin, discussing compassion, music, Graceful Passages, vibrational intelligence, listening, connection and much more. Gary is an Emmy Award-winning composer, performer, public speaker and music and health innovator who empowers the world to embrace musical strategies as catalysts for health, wellness, and a connection to what matters most. Gary has kindly gifted some music referred to in this podcast. It can be accessed here.

Ep.20 | Judith Blackstone, author, teacher & Realization Process Founder

Chloë in conversation with Judith Blackstone, discussing compassion, dance, healing, consciousness and much more. Judith Blackstone is the founder of the Realization Process, a method of embodied psychological and relational healing and nondual spiritual awakening. Judith teaches the Realization Process world-wide and online. She is the author of several books, including Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness and Belonging Here.

Ep.21 | Michael Braudy, violinist & workshop facilitator

Chloë in conversation with Michael Braudy, discussing compassion, teaching, silence, music and much more. Michael Braudy, a violinist in Western, North Indian and Celtic music, gives Sound and Health through Music workshops, which use the silence between musical experiences as the way to greater awareness of the body, emotions and mind. He has recorded in India a series of Indian ragas for health CDs including Sumanas (Ragas for the Heart), Vriddhi and Awakening Peace.

Ep.22 | James D'Angelo, author, composer, pianist & workshop leader

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with James D'Angelo, discussing compassion, music, Sufi turning and movement, attachment and detachment, sound and silence, and much more. A published composer, D’Angelo has written over sixty songs, various chamber pieces, much choral music and organ and piano works. He is a leading figure in the field of therapeutic vocal sound and the author of The Healing Power of the Human Voice and Seed Sounds for Tuning the Chakras. /

Ep.23 | Miranda Macpherson, spiritual teacher, modern mystic & author

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Miranda Macpherson, discussing compassion, suffering, love, non-duality, being, and much more. Unapologetically feminine, joyful and down-to-earth in her way of being she’s internationally recognized for her depth of presence and her refined capacity as a guide into direct experience of the Sacred. She is the author of The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation, Boundless Love, and Meditations on Boundless Love.

Ep.24 | David Lorimer, writer, lecturer, poet & editor

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with David Lorimer, discussing compassion, love, movement, intuition, and humility. David is a Founder of Character Education Scotland, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and former President of Wrekin Trust and the Swedenborg Society. He is the author and editor of over a dozen books, including Radical Prince, about the Prince of Wales. He is also Chair of the Galileo Commission which seeks to widen science beyond a materialistic world view.

Ep.25 | Robina Courtin, Buddhist nun & teacher

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Robina Courtin, discussing compassion, energy, mantra, sound, Buddhism, HH the Dalai Lama, and consciousness. Robina has worked with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, a worldwide network of Tibetan Buddhist activities of her teachers, Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinopche. She has served as editorial director of Wisdom Publications, editor of Mandala magazine, and as a touring teacher of Buddhism.

Ep.26 | Glenn Aparicio Parry, educator, ecopsychologist, political philosopher & author

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Glenn Aparicio Parry, discussing compassion, wisdom, nature, conservation, and colonisation. Glenn is the author of the Nautilus award-winning book, Original Thinking: A Radical Revisioning of Time, Humanity, and Nature, and an educator, ecopsychologist, and political philosopher whose passion is to reform thinking and society into a coherent, cohesive, whole.

Ep.27 | Anneloes Smitsman, visionary scientist, author & leadership catalyst

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Anneloes Smitsman, discussing compassion, nature, music, wisdom traditions, matter and consciousness. Anneloes is Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre, and author of the Amazon Bestseller Love Letters from Mother Earth – The Promise of a New Beginning. She is the lead architect of the EARTHwise Tipping Point System, and a powerful teacher of Evolutionary Leadership and Transformational Change.

Ep.28 | Oriane Lee Johnston, educator, consultant, mentor & equine guide

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Oriane Lee Johnston, discussing compassion, nature, horses, tarot, equanimity and practice. Oriane Lee is an educator, writer and mentor, her lifework weaves strands of Contemplative Practice, Healing-with-Horses, Wisdom of the Tarot and the Art of Spiritual Guidance, and for the past ten years, exploring the spiritual eco-system of Africa in Zimbabwe. She recently completed a book project, a memoir called The Geography of Belonging: A Love Story in Africa.

Ep.29 | Daniel Barber, pianist, musician & coach

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Daniel Barber, discussing compassion, improvisation, healing, performance, sound and more. Daniel led a wedding/dance band, performed with Asheville Playback Theatre, and has been a social worker, social scientist, video producer & political activist. In his work at I Am Sound, he helps people who are feeling stuck, out of tune and uncertain to inhabit their authentic creative selves on piano and elsewhere in their lives in the midst of whatever is going on around them.

Ep.30 | Julian Treasure, international speaker, author & communication expert
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Julian Treasure, discussing listening, hearing, sound, voice, and becoming conscious, Julian Treasure is a leading figure in audio branding. Chairman of The Sound Agency, author of the book Sound Business and a highly-rated international public speaker on the effective use of sound in business, his five talks have been viewed over 100 million times, and his latest is in the top 10 TED talks of all time.

Ep.31 | Jenni Roditi, composer, vocal improviser & workshop leader
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Jenni Roditi, discussing compassion, music, voice, improvisation, composition, and much more. Jenni is a composer in the avant-garde, minimalist, world, and free improvisation-influenced styles and has recently also become deeply connected to her Sephardic blood roots as a vocal improviser. Her output as a composer includes two full length chamber operas, both performed by the Lontano Ensemble: The Descent of Inanna (1992) and Siddhartha, Spirit Child (2001).

Ep.32 | Jonathan & Andi Goldman, sound healers, teachers & authors
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Jonathan & Andi Goldman, discussing compassion, embodiment, love, sound, humming, intention, and much more. Jonathan Goldman, M.A., is an international authority and pioneer in the field of sound healing.  He is a renowned writer, musician, teacher and author. Andi Goldman, M.A., L.P.C., is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in holistic counseling and sound therapy. She is a also a musician, teacher, sound healer, and award-winning author.

Ep.33 | Jean Houston & Anneloes Smitsman, c0-authors of 'The Quest of Rose'
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Jean Houston & Anneloes Smitsman, discussing compassion, renaissance, sound, consciousness, and more. Jean Houston Ph.D. is a legend in her own time as a world renowned scholar, futurist, and researcher in human capacities, social change, and systemic transformation. Anneloes Smitsman Ph.D., LLM is a visionary scientist, published author, futurist, system architect, and leadership catalyst for the transition to a Thrivable Civilization.

Ep.34 | Pollyanna Bush, Singer/Songwriter, Recording Artist & Music Educator
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Pollyanna Bush, discussing compassion, singing, vibration, and voice. Pollyanna has supported and shaped the artistic and healing paths of many musicians, creators, and communities for over 35 years, encouraging and inspiring people to use the sacred act of singing and music making as an expression of love, emotional healing and transformation. She finds personal joy in leading others to experience vocal freedom, and enjoy a pure connection to themselves through music.

Ep.35 | Jude Currivan, cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist & author
Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Jude Currivan, discussing compassion, the science of love, science & spirituality, and the gaiasphere. Previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and co-founder of WholeWorld-View, Jude integrates leading edge science, research into consciousness and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view. Award-winning author of six books to date, her next book, Gaia: Her-Story is due for publication in 2022.

Ep.36 | June Burrough, social enterprise, leadership, facilitator & life coach 

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with June Burrough, discussing compassion, care, the Pierian Centre, creative arts, and sanctuary. June is a Social Entrepreneur and Life Coach/Mentor with a passion for social justice, a belief that every human being is remarkable and an ethos of service and welcome. All of her work centres round the purpose of facilitating growth in people & organisations to be the best they can possibly be

Ep.37 | John Stuart Reid, acoustics pioneer, scientist, & inventor

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with John Stuart Reid, discussing compassion, his experiences in the Great Pyramid, healing, sound therapy, and low-frequency sound. John is an acoustic-physics scientist with a mission to educate, inspire, and excite the world in the field of visible sound—known to science as Faraday Wave phenomena, but popularly known as “cymatics”. John's career in acoustics has spanned five decades and he is widely acknowledged as an authority in cymatic science.

Ep.38 | Bayo Akomolafe & Charles Eisenstein, visionary speakers & authors

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Bayo Akomolafe & Charles Eisenstein, discussing friendship, public speaking, voice, sound, and language. Bayo is a widely celebrated international speaker, post-humanist thinker, poet, teacher, public intellectual, essayist, and author of two books. Charles Eisenstein is a father of four, essayist, speaker, and the author of several books, including The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible.

Ep.39 | Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma, author, poet, translator & teacher

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma, discussing compassion, poetry, the Tirukkural, leadership, voice, and silence, Thomas delights in speaking, teaching, and performing internationally, combining poetry, story, magic, and song in talks and presentations for the young and old alike. His new translation of the classical Tamil masterpiece on ethics, power, and love, THE KURAL: Tiruvalluvar’s Tirukkural, appeared in January 2022 from Beacon Press.

Ep.40 | Neil Douglas-Klotz, writer, teacher & artist

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with Neil Douglas-Klotz, discussing compassion, his upbringing, Dances of Universal Peace, and Aramaic. Neil is a renowned writer, teacher and artist in the fields of Middle Eastern spirituality and the translation and interpretation of the ancient Semitic languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic. Living in Scotland, he was for many years the co-chair of the Mysticism Group of the American Academy of Religion.

Ep.41 | June Boyce-Tillman, performer, composer, workshop leader & speaker

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with June Boyce-Tillman, discussing compassion, suffering, Hildegard von Bingen, John Taverner, & Christianity. The Rev Professor June Boyce-Tillman MBE is an Emerita Professor of Applied Music at Winchester University and an Extra-ordinary Professor at North West University, South Africa.  She has published widely in the area of education and music, often on spirituality/liminality and eudaimonia.

Ep.42 | Ginger Gilmour, artist

Chloë Goodchild in conversation with artist Ginger Gilmour, discussing compassion, love, art, Irina Tweedie, and Pink Floyd. Ginger Gilmour is a self-created artist and an adventurer. She studied for eight years with the English Visionary Artist, Cecil Collins in London and is inspired to be ‘the soul of the artist’ bringing forth artwork which speaks to us of things that touch our hearts nearly forgotten  -  Beauty, Peace, Kindness..

You can view a brief slideshow of some of Ginger's work here.

The art of ‘being with’, expressing and sharing generosity and kindness – with yourself and with others – with no attachment to the outcome. Compassion requires us to listen without judgement, to acknowledge and to respond to our own or another’s suffering with an awareness, and a skillful means, not driven by emotional reactivity, and the false motives of separateness or fear. 

Compassionate communication invites an all-inclusive and humble way of listening and communicating that generates conscious caring relationships and ground-breaking opportunities to integrate our highest aspirations with our grounded purpose on Earth.

© Chloë Goodchild 2024

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